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Vitor Paladini profile picture

Vitor Paladini

A software engineer that really likes working with user interfaces. Writes mostly JS at Loves cooking.


Front-end Engineer

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Trusted Member 2022
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Responsive Snakes! And what they can teach you about CSS 🐍

Responsive Snakes! And what they can teach you about CSS 🐍

Comments 4
3 min read

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Make Your CSS Dynamic 🕺 With Styled Components

Make Your CSS Dynamic 🕺 With Styled Components

Comments 1
3 min read
Simple Chrome Extensions That Make My Work a Bit Easier

Simple Chrome Extensions That Make My Work a Bit Easier

Comments 13
3 min read
Is there a designated place to chat with members of the DEV Community?

Is there a designated place to chat with members of the DEV Community?

Comments 9
1 min read
Grab your user's attention with the :focus-within CSS selector

Grab your user's attention with the :focus-within CSS selector

Comments 14
2 min read
How I Manage Impostor Syndrome, Fear of Failure, and Other Common Programmer Problems

How I Manage Impostor Syndrome, Fear of Failure, and Other Common Programmer Problems

Comments 20
8 min read
Say Goodbye to Pesky Overflowing Text With the text-overflow CSS Property

Say Goodbye to Pesky Overflowing Text With the text-overflow CSS Property

Comments 8
1 min read
I Got the 16 Week Streak Badge. Here’s Everything I Learned About Consistency

I Got the 16 Week Streak Badge. Here’s Everything I Learned About Consistency

Comments 20
5 min read
Show and Hide Content Easily With details and summary HTML Tags

Show and Hide Content Easily With details and summary HTML Tags

Comments 18
2 min read
How do you deal with the endless stream of interruptions that we have nowadays?

How do you deal with the endless stream of interruptions that we have nowadays?

Comments 16
1 min read
How to Estimate Your Work Like You Know What You’re Doing

How to Estimate Your Work Like You Know What You’re Doing

Comments 9
5 min read
How does being a programmer affects your world view?

How does being a programmer affects your world view?

Comments 51
1 min read
How are you going to chill this weekend? 🏖

How are you going to chill this weekend? 🏖

Comments 29
1 min read
Write Fewer Media Queries With the Clamp() CSS Function

Write Fewer Media Queries With the Clamp() CSS Function

Comments 23
2 min read
How to Copy a Big Object or Array From Console to Clipboard

How to Copy a Big Object or Array From Console to Clipboard

Comments 15
1 min read
What programming concept did you struggle the most with?

What programming concept did you struggle the most with?

Comments 57
1 min read
How to DEV: Tips I've found in Forem repository

How to DEV: Tips I've found in Forem repository

Comments 2
3 min read
How to make an extremely reusable Tooltip component with React — and nothing else

How to make an extremely reusable Tooltip component with React — and nothing else

Comments 12
4 min read
How to add a three-dimensional pink rubber duck to your website with react-three-fiber

How to add a three-dimensional pink rubber duck to your website with react-three-fiber

Comments 1
4 min read
The react-three-fiber Zone, episode 1

The react-three-fiber Zone, episode 1

3 min read
What's that piece of code that you have to Google *every time*?

What's that piece of code that you have to Google *every time*?

Comments 88
1 min read
Tell me a thing that makes your day at work better

Tell me a thing that makes your day at work better

Comments 40
1 min read
What the heck is GPT-3 anyway?

What the heck is GPT-3 anyway?

Comments 1
3 min read
Have you ever felt that multiple screens do more harm than good sometimes?

Have you ever felt that multiple screens do more harm than good sometimes?

Comments 5
1 min read
What makes you think "Ok, that should be a component"?

What makes you think "Ok, that should be a component"?

Comments 11
1 min read
How to create an extremely reusable Icon component with react-svg

How to create an extremely reusable Icon component with react-svg

Comments 8
3 min read
27 professionals with inspiring careers - and where to follow them

27 professionals with inspiring careers - and where to follow them

6 min read
Hooked on Hooks! A late introduction to my favorite thing in React

Hooked on Hooks! A late introduction to my favorite thing in React

Comments 4
7 min read
Tell me, what was your biggest career mistake and what did you learn from it?

Tell me, what was your biggest career mistake and what did you learn from it?

Comments 1
1 min read
Bullseye! 4 ways to center that damn div with CSS

Bullseye! 4 ways to center that damn div with CSS

Comments 10
3 min read