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Cover image for Making a Multiplayer WEB RPG - Part 6: Don't forget to congratulate yourself

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Making a Multiplayer WEB RPG - Part 6: Don't forget to congratulate yourself


Hi All,

This one is short, and is more of a pat on my back type of post :)

Anyway, I've finished the roadmap that I set earlier in April this year and to recap what has been added since:

  • Items can now be dropped, picked up, used and equipped.
  • AI has been massively improved and can IDLE, PATROL, CHASE, ATTACK, etc, and have patrol behaviours (in a area, in a radius, on a path)
  • Player & AI can also move up or down stairs and are not limited to a 2D plane anymore.
  • Players can teleport to different scenes
  • Standardized players & enemies characters/animations using the amazing Kay Kit assets
  • Added a new character screen UI (mage/knight class + color variants)
  • Lots of performance improvements and tweaks

I know there is way more to do/improve, however I'm rather proud of what I accomplished in a few months and wanted to share it to your (ruthless) constructive comments.

King of the castle shot
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The full player UI
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New player character
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New enemies assets
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Levels can be vertical now, woot
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New Dungeon scene
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Updated Character Creator Scene (class + color)
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Updated Character Selection Screen
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