This is a game called SET. The goal is to find three cards that match. Each card has 4 attributes:
- count (1, 2, 3)
- color (red, blue, green)
- shape (rectangular, oval, wave)
- filling (plain, shaded, empty)
In total, there are 3 ^ 4 = 81 cards. Cards are defined by [count, color, shape, filling]
and every attribute can be represented as either 1, 2, or 3. In order for cards to form a set, each of the attributes have to be all the same or completely different.
For example, for color:
red + red + red = ✔
red + green + green = ❌
red + blue + green = ✔
Here's some examples including all the attributes.
SET: 1 red plain rect + 2 red plain rect + 3 red plain rect
SET: 1 red plain rect + 1 green plain rect + 1 blue plain rect
NOT a SET: 1 red plain rect + 2 red plain rect + 3 red plain oval
❌ -> 2 rectangles and 1 oval
NOT a SET: 1 red plain rect + 1 green plain rect + 1 blue shaded rect
❌ -> 2 plain and 1 shaded
A path could be to take a 2D array of cards and return an array of solutions.
cards[x][y] with 0 <= x <= 3 and 0 <= y <= 2 [] - no SET found [ [ [ 0,0 ], [ 1,2 ], [1,3 ] ] ] - found 1 SET [ [ [ 0,0 ], [ 1,2 ], [1,3 ] ], [ [ 2,2 ], [ 3,2 ], [1,1 ] ] ] - found 2 SETs [ [ 0,0 ], [ 1,2 ], [1,3 ] ], [ [ 2,2 ], [ 3,2 ], [1,2 ] ] ] - found 2 SETs The above is NOT A VALID RESULT because the card at [1,2] is used twice!
Your solution for a given set is correct if no card is used twice and you return the maximum number of solutions.
Keep it simple and have fun!
This challenge comes from ineiti on CodeWars. Thank you to CodeWars, who has licensed redistribution of this challenge under the 2-Clause BSD License!
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