Advent of Code 2015 Day 2
Part 1
- Oh, there will be plenty of math.
- Using several familiar tools in my toolbox
Oh, there will be plenty of math.
Much to my delight, a majority of the math throughout Advent of Code was in celebration of patterns underlying various scientific, arithmetic or algorithmic formulas and proofs.
Using several familiar tools in my toolbox
to accumulate a total -
to turn a string into an array -
to coerce or manipulate data -
array destructuring
to concisely extract and store multiple values -
to, well, sort numbers -
to extract a subset of items from an array
My algorithm in JavaScript:
(sqft, box) => {
let [l, w, h] = box.split('x').map(Number)
let smallestArea = [l, w, h]
.sort((a, b) => a - b)
.slice(0, 2)
.reduce((a, c) => a * c)
return sqft += 2*l*w + 2*w*h + 2*h*l + smallestArea
, 0)
Part 2
A minor mathematical tweak
- A shorter equation
- And a relatively unchanged algorithm
My algorithm in JavaScript:
(sqft, box) => {
let [l, w, h] = box.split('x').map(Number)
let smallestPerimeter = [l, w, h]
.sort((a, b) => a - b)
.slice(0, 2)
.map(el => el * 2)
.reduce((a, c) => a + c)
return sqft += l*w*h + smallestPerimeter
, 0)
Both parts, a year ago
This was my working algorithm in JavaScript when I first solved this puzzle:
function dayTwoPart1(input) {
return => wrappingPaperFor(box))
.reduce((acc, curr) => { return acc + curr }, 0)
function dayTwoPart2(input) {
return => ribbonFor(box))
.reduce((acc, curr) => { return acc + curr }, 0)
function wrappingPaperFor(box) {
return surfaceAreaFor(box) + slackFor(box)
function surfaceAreaFor(box) {
let [l, w, h] = box.split("x").map(i => +i)
return (2 * l * w) + (2 * w * h) + (2 * h * l)
function slackFor(box) {
let sortedBox = box.split("x").map(i => +i).sort((a,b) => a - b)
return sortedBox[0] * sortedBox[1]
function ribbonFor(box) {
let [s1, s2, s3] = box.split("x").map(i => +i).sort((a,b) => a - b)
return (s1 + s1 + s2 + s2) + (s1 * s2 * s3)
- It's all very straightforward
- Almost to its detriment
- Then again, this puzzle did require a lot of straightforward math
- Much like with Day 3, I'm very proud of the code I wrote my second time around
I did it!!
- I solved both parts!
- At first in a very separated, functional approach...then again in a more chained-together, eloquent approach!
While the math in this puzzle wasn't too intriguing, it served as a callback to all of the other puzzles that featured wonderfully-intriguing math.
One day left!
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