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Robert Mion
Robert Mion

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Stream Processing

Advent of Code 2017 Day 9

Try the simulator using your puzzle input!

Final moments of simulator

Part 1

  1. Walking the line...again
  2. A for loop and a flag
  3. Writing and testing my algorithm

Walking the line...again

I'm reminded of 2021 Day 10: Syntax Scoring

A few differences:

  • Syntax Scoring was a list of strings; this puzzle features one long string
  • Syntax Scoring started with identifying corrupted strings: where an opening symbol was properly closed; this puzzle features a correct string...filled with garbage!
  • Syntax Scoring was a challenge of tracking and matching opening and closing symbols of the same type; this puzzle is similar, but with more to track given the inclusion of garbage data
  • Syntax Scoring algorithm walked the string; I anticipate doing the same in this puzzle

A for loop and a flag

I think those will be the core aspects of my algorithm:

Initialize a flag for garbage mode to false
For each character in the string
  If in garbage mode
    Check for exclamation marks
      If one is encountered, skip a character
    Keep walking
  If not in garbage mode
    If next character is <
      Enter garbage mode
    Else, if next character is {
      Account for another group, possibly at the same or next level
    Else if next character is }
      Update the accumulating score to account for the group that just closed
    Else if next character is anything else
      Keep walking
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

There's probably some finer details in the conditions that I'm missing, but that's an outline of the algorithm I intend to write.

Let's see how far off I was...assuming I can write a working algorithm!

Writing and testing my algorithm

Thankfully, the instructions offer plenty of unit tests.

I'm going to write this algorithm piece by piece, condition by condition, ensuring I pass some simpler tests, then the more complicated ones...then hopefully my puzzle input.

Getting examples 1-4 to work

{} = 1
{{{}}} = 6
{{},{}} = 5
{{{},{},{{}}}} = 16
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

My working algorithm:

  Split the input at each character into an array of characters
  Create score, starting at 0
  Create level, starting at 1

  For each character in the stream except the last
    Depending on what the next character is:
      If it is a {
        Increment level by 1
      Else, if it is a }
        Increment score by level
        Decrement level

Return score
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Now, to start accounting for garbage.

Getting example 6, 7 and 9 to work

{<a>,<a>,<a>,<a>} = 1
{{<a>},{<a>},{<a>},{<a>}} = 9
{{<ab>},{<ab>},{<ab>},{<ab>}} = 9
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

My working algorithm:

  Split the input at each character into an array of characters
  Create score, starting at 0
  Create level, starting at 1
  Create flag for garbage mode, starting at false

  For each character in the stream except the last
    Depending on what the next character is:
      If garbage mode is on
        If it is a >
          Turn garbage mode off
      Else, garbage mode is off
        If it is a {
          Increment level by 1
        Else, if it is a }
          Increment score by level
          Decrement level
        Else, if it is a <
          Turn garbage mode on

Return score
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Getting examples 8, 10 and 11 to work

{{<!>},{<!>},{<!>},{<a>}} = 3
{{<!!>},{<!!>},{<!!>},{<!!>}} = 9
{{<a!>},{<a!>},{<a!>},{<ab>}} = 3
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

My working algorithm:

  Split the input at each character into an array of characters
  Create score, starting at 0
  Create level, starting at 1
  Create flag for garbage mode, starting at false

  For each character in the stream except the last
    Depending on what the next character is:
      If garbage mode is on
        If it is a >
          Turn garbage mode off
        If it is a !
          Increment the character location tracker by 1 to skip a character in the stream
      Else, garbage mode is off
        If it is a {
          Increment level by 1
        Else, if it is a }
          Increment score by level
          Decrement level
        Else, if it is a <
          Turn garbage mode on

Return score
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Testing on my puzzle input

  • It finished!
  • It generated the correct answer!

Part 2

  1. Garbage collection, of course!

Garbage collection, of course!

I'm hopeful I just need to add a tracking counter, and a statement that increments it by one in the proper case in one of my switch statements.

My working algorithm:

  Split the input at each character into an array of characters
  Create score, starting at 0
  Create level, starting at 1
  Create flag for garbage mode, starting at false
  Create garbage, starting at 0

  For each character in the stream except the last
    Depending on what the next character is:
      If garbage mode is on
        If it is a >
          Turn garbage mode off
        If it is a !
          Increment the character location tracker by 1 to skip a character in the stream
          Increment garbage by 1
      Else, garbage mode is off
        If it is a {
          Increment level by 1
        Else, if it is a }
          Increment score by level
          Decrement level
        Else, if it is a <
          Turn garbage mode on

Return garbage
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

That's all it took to generate the correct answer for Part 2!

I did it!!

  • I solved both parts!
  • I did so by writing my algorithm piece by piece, solving only a few examples at a time
  • I used a few switch statements, which I don't use too often throughout these puzzles; I often opt for dictionaries so I can leverage key-value look-ups
  • I built a simulator to watch the stream get processed in front of my eyes!

I'm glad I didn't try solving this puzzle all at once, or I may have struggled more than necessary.

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