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Garvit Motwani for World In Dev

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The Ultimate Go Cheatsheet πŸš€ - Best Go Concepts πŸ”₯

Hey Devs, This is the most complete and well-structured Golang Cheatsheet you can find online!

So let's start.

Getting started


Hello world


package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
  message := greetMe("world")

func greetMe(name string) string {
  return "Hello, " + name + "!"
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$ go build
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Or try it out in the Go repl, or A Tour of Go.


Variable declaration

var msg string
msg = "Hello"
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Shortcut of above (Infers type)

msg := "Hello"
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const Phi = 1.618
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Constants can be a character, string, boolean, or numeric values.

See: Constants

Basic types


str := "Hello"
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str := `Multiline
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Strings are of type string.


Typical types

num := 3          // int
num := 3.         // float64
num := 3 + 4i     // complex128
num := byte('a')  // byte (alias for uint8)
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Other types

var u uint = 7        // uint (unsigned)
var p float32 = 22.7  // 32-bit float
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// var numbers [5]int
numbers := [...]int{0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
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Arrays have a fixed size.


slice := []int{2, 3, 4}
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slice := []byte("Hello")
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Slices have a dynamic size, unlike arrays.


func main () {
  b := *getPointer()
  fmt.Println("Value is", b)
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{: data-line="2"}

func getPointer () (myPointer *int) {
  a := 234
  return &a
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a := new(int)
*a = 234
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Pointers point to a memory location of a variable. Go is fully garbage-collected.

See: Pointers

Type conversions

i := 2
f := float64(i)
u := uint(i)
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See: Type conversions

Flow control


if day == "sunday" || day == "saturday" {
} else if day == "monday" && isTired() {
} else {
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See: If

Statements in if

if _, err := doThing(); err != nil {
  fmt.Println("Uh oh")
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A condition in an if statement can be preceded with a statement before a ;. Variables declared by the statement are only in scope until the end of the if.

See: If with a short statement


switch day {
  case "sunday":
    // cases don't "fall through" by default!

  case "saturday":

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See: Switch

For loop

for count := 0; count <= 10; count++ {
  fmt.Println("My counter is at", count)
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See: For loops

For-Range loop

entry := []string{"Jack","John","Jones"}
for i, val := range entry {
  fmt.Printf("At position %d, the character %s is present\n", i, val)
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See: For-Range loops

While loop

n := 0
x := 42
for n != x {
  n := guess()
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See: Go's "while"



myfunc := func() bool {
  return x > 10000
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Functions are first-class objects.

Multiple return types

a, b := getMessage()
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func getMessage() (a string, b string) {
  return "Hello", "World"
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Named return values

func split(sum int) (x, y int) {
  x = sum * 4 / 9
  y = sum - x
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By defining the return value names in the signature, a return (no args) will return variables with those names.

See: Named return values



import "fmt"
import "math/rand"
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import (
  "fmt"        // gives fmt.Println
  "math/rand"  // gives rand.Intn
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Both are the same.

See: Importing


import r "math/rand"
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Exporting names

func Hello () {
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Exported names begin with capital letters.

See: Exported names


package hello
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Every package file has to start with package.



func main() {
  // A "channel"
  ch := make(chan string)

  // Start concurrent routines
  go push("Moe", ch)
  go push("Larry", ch)
  go push("Curly", ch)

  // Read 3 results
  // (Since our goroutines are concurrent,
  // the order isn't guaranteed!)
  fmt.Println(<-ch, <-ch, <-ch)
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func push(name string, ch chan string) {
  msg := "Hey, " + name
  ch <- msg
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Channels are concurrency-safe communication objects, used in goroutines.

See: Goroutines, Channels

Buffered channels

ch := make(chan int, 2)
ch <- 1
ch <- 2
ch <- 3
// fatal error:
// all goroutines are asleep - deadlock!
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Buffered channels limit the number of messages it can keep.

See: Buffered channels

Closing channels

Closes a channel

ch <- 1
ch <- 2
ch <- 3
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Iterates across a channel until its closed

for i := range ch {
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Closed if ok == false

v, ok := <- ch
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See: Range and close


import "sync"

func main() {
  var wg sync.WaitGroup

  for _, item := range itemList {
    // Increment WaitGroup Counter
    go doOperation(item)
  // Wait for goroutines to finish

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{: data-line="1,4,8,12"}

func doOperation(item string) {
  defer wg.Done()
  // do operation on item
  // ...
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A WaitGroup waits for a collection of goroutines to finish. The main goroutine calls Add to set the number of goroutines to wait for. The goroutine calls wg.Done() when it finishes.
See: WaitGroup

Error control


func main() {
  defer fmt.Println("Done")
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Defers running a function until the surrounding function returns.
The arguments are evaluated immediately, but the function call is not ran until later.

See: Defer, panic and recover

Deferring functions

func main() {
  defer func() {
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Lambdas are better suited for defer blocks.

func main() {
  var d = int64(0)
  defer func(d *int64) {
    fmt.Printf("& %v Unix Sec\n", *d)
  fmt.Print("Done ")
  d = time.Now().Unix()
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The defer func uses the current value of d, unless we use a pointer to get the final value at end of the main.



type Vertex struct {
  X int
  Y int
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func main() {
  v := Vertex{1, 2}
  v.X = 4
  fmt.Println(v.X, v.Y)
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See: Structs


v := Vertex{X: 1, Y: 2}
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// Field names can be omitted
v := Vertex{1, 2}
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// Y is implicit
v := Vertex{X: 1}
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You can also put field names.

Pointers to structs

v := &Vertex{1, 2}
v.X = 2
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Doing v.X is the same as doing (*v).X, when v is a pointer.



type Vertex struct {
  X, Y float64
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func (v Vertex) Abs() float64 {
  return math.Sqrt(v.X * v.X + v.Y * v.Y)
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v := Vertex{1, 2}
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There are no classes, but you can define functions with receivers.

See: Methods


func (v *Vertex) Scale(f float64) {
  v.X = v.X * f
  v.Y = v.Y * f
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v := Vertex{6, 12}
// `v` is updated
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By defining your receiver as a pointer (*Vertex), you can do mutations.

See: Pointer receivers


A basic interface

type Shape interface {
  Area() float64
  Perimeter() float64
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type Rectangle struct {
  Length, Width float64
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Struct Rectangle implicitly implements interface Shape by implementing all of its methods.


func (r Rectangle) Area() float64 {
  return r.Length * r.Width

func (r Rectangle) Perimeter() float64 {
  return 2 * (r.Length + r.Width)
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The methods defined in Shape are implemented in Rectangle.

Interface example

func main() {
  var r Shape = Rectangle{Length: 3, Width: 4}
  fmt.Printf("Type of r: %T, Area: %v, Perimeter: %v.", r, r.Area(), r.Perimeter())
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Top comments (2)

s0xzwasd profile image
John Doe

Good article!

garvitmotwani profile image
Garvit Motwani

Thanks for reading it πŸ™πŸ™