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1. Editor.js
A block-styled editor with clean JSON output
A block-style editor with clean JSON output | documentation | changelog
Editor.js is an open-source text editor offering a variety of features to help users create and format content efficiently. It has a modern, block-style interface that allows users to easily add and arrange different types of content, such as text, images, lists, quotes, etc. Each Block is provided via a separate plugin making Editor.js extremely flexible.
Editor.js outputs a clean JSON data instead of heavy HTML markup. Use it in Web, iOS, Android, AMP, Instant Articles, speech readers, AI chatbots — everywhere. Easy to sanitize, extend and integrate with your logic.
- 😍 Modern UI out of the box
- 💎 Clean JSON output
- ⚙️ Well-designed API
- 🛍 Various Tools available
- 💌 Free and open source
It's quite simple:
- Install Editor.js
- Install tools you need
- Initialize Editor's instance
Install using NPM, Yarn, or CDN:
npm i @editorjs/editorjs
Choose and install tools:
2. PurgeCSS
PurgeCSS analyzes your content and your css files. Then it matches the selectors used in your files with the one in your content files. It removes unused selectors from your css, resulting in smaller css files.
What is PurgeCSS?
When you are building a website, chances are that you are using a css framework like Bootstrap, Materializecss, Foundation, etc... But you will only use a small set of the framework and a lot of unused css styles will be included.
This is where PurgeCSS comes into play. PurgeCSS analyzes your content and your css files. Then it matches the selectors used in your css files with the ones in your content files. It removes unused selectors from your css, resulting in smaller css files.
Sponsors 🥰
You can find the PurgeCSS documentation on this website.
Table of Contents
Getting Started
npm install purgecss --save-dev
import { PurgeCSS } from "purgecss";
const purgeCSSResults = await new PurgeCSS(
…3. Wouter
A minimalist-friendly ~1.5KB routing for React and Preact. Nothing else but Hooks.
A router you wanted so bad in your project!
⚠️ These docs are for wouter v3 only. Please find the documentation for wouter@2.12.0 here
- Minimum dependencies, only 2.1 KB gzipped vs 18.7KB React Router.
- Supports both React and Preact! Read "Preact support" section for more details.
- No top-level
<Router />
component, it is fully optional. - Mimics React Router's best practices by providing
components. - Has hook-based API for more granular control over routing (like animations)
developers 💖 wouter
... I love Wouter. It’s tiny, fully embraces hooks, and has an intuitive and barebones API. I can accomplish everything I could with react-router with Wouter, and it just feels more minimalist while not being inconvenient.
4. bundlesize
Keep your bundle size in check
Keep your bundle size in check
Keep your bundle size in check
npm install bundlesize --save-dev
# or
yarn add bundlesize --dev
Add it to your scripts in package.json
"scripts": {
"test": "bundlesize"
Or you can use it with npx
from NPM 5.2+.
npx bundlesize
accepts an array of files to check.
"path": "./build/vendor.js",
"maxSize": "30 kB"
"path": "./build/chunk-*.js",
"maxSize": "10 kB"
You can keep this array either in
{ "name": "your cool library", "version": "1.1.2", "bundlesize": [ { "path": "./build/vendor.js", "maxSize": "3 kB" } ] }
or in a separate file
{ "files": [ { "path": "./dist.js" "maxSize": "3
5. MindAR
Web Augmented Reality. Natural feature tracking. Image targets. Tensorflow.js
Web Augmented Reality. Image Tracking, Face Tracking. Tensorflow.js
MindAR is a web augmented reality library. Highlighted features include:
⭐ Support Image tracking and Face tracking. For Location or Fiducial-Markers Tracking, checkout AR.js
⭐ Written in pure javascript, end-to-end from the underlying computer vision engine to frontend
⭐ Utilize gpu (through webgl) and web worker for performance
⭐ Developer friendly. Easy to setup. With AFRAME extension, you can create an app with only 10 lines of codes
Fund Raising
MindAR is the only actively maintained web AR SDK which offer comparable features to commercial alternatives. This library is currently maintained by me as an individual developer. To raise fund for continuous development and to provide timely supports and responses to issues, here is a list of related projects/ services that you can support.
Unity WebAR FoundationWebAR Foundation is a unity package that allows Unity developer to build WebGL-platform AR applications. It acts as a Unity Plugin that… |
6. Snap page
Snap page when user stops scrolling, with a customizable configuration and a consistent cross browser behaviour
↯ Snap page when user stops scrolling, with a customizable configuration and a consistent cross browser behaviour
Snap page when user stops scrolling, basically implements CSS Scroll Snap, adding a customizable configuration and a consistent cross browser behaviour.
- Works in all modern browsers
for 60fps - Customizable settings (including easing functions)
- No additional dependencies
- No extra stylesheet
yarn add scroll-snap
You can also grab a pre-built version from unpkg
createScrollSnap(element, settings, [callback])
element: HTMLElement
The HTML DOM Element to attach the scroll listener to.
settings: Settings
A configuration object consisting of one or more of the following keys:
snapDestinationX: string | number
Snap destination for x axis, should be a valid css value expressed as
px | % | vw | vh
snapDestinationY: string | number
Snap destination for y axis, should be a valid css value expressed as
px | % | vw | vh
timeout: number
Time in ms after which scrolling is…
7. Dependency cruiser
Validate and visualize dependencies. Your rules. JavaScript, TypeScript, CoffeeScript. ES6, CommonJS, AMD.
Validate and visualize dependencies. Your rules. JavaScript, TypeScript, CoffeeScript. ES6, CommonJS, AMD.
Validate and visualise dependencies. With your rules. JavaScript. TypeScript. CoffeeScript. ES6, CommonJS, AMD.
What's this do?
This runs through the dependencies in any JavaScript, TypeScript, LiveScript or CoffeeScript project and ...
- ... validates them against (your own) rules
- ... reports violated rules
- in text (for your builds)
- in graphics (for your eyeballs)
As a side effect it can generate dependency graphs in various output formats including cool visualizations you can stick on the wall to impress your grandma.
How do I use it?
Install it ...
npm install --save-dev dependency-cruiser
# or
yarn add -D dependency-cruiser
pnpm add -D dependency-cruiser
... and generate a config
npx depcruise --init
This will look around in your environment a bit, ask you some questions and create
a .dependency-cruiser.js
configuration file attuned to your project12.
Show stuff to your grandma
To create a graph of the dependencies in your…
8. React Rich Text Editor
Pure React rich text WYSIWYG editor based on draft-js.
This repository is long ourdated and even Draft.js (on which this editor is built) is long outdated and has been superceded by Lexical.
I don't recommend you use this in your project. There are many great alternatives such as TipTap.
React Rich Text Editor
This is a UI component built completely in React that is meant to be a full-featured textarea replacement similar to CKEditor, TinyMCE and other rich text "WYSIWYG" editors. It's based on the excellent, open source Draft.js from Facebook which is performant and production-tested.
Try the editor here:
Getting Started
$ npm install --save react-rte
is the main editor component. It is comprised of the Draft.js <Editor>
, some UI components (e.g. toolbar) and some helpful abstractions around getting and setting content with HTML/Markdown.
is designed to be used like a textarea
except that instead of value
9. Changesets
A way to manage your versioning and changelogs with a focus on monorepos
🦋 A way to manage your versioning and changelogs with a focus on monorepos
A tool to manage versioning and changelogs
with a focus on multi-package repositories
The changesets
workflow is designed to help when people are making changes, all the way through to publishing. It lets contributors declare how their changes should be released, then we automate updating package versions, and changelogs, and publishing new versions of packages based on the provided information.
Changesets has a focus on solving these problems for multi-package repositories, and keeps packages that rely on each other within the multi-package repository up-to-date, as well as making it easy to make changes to groups of packages.
How do we do that?
A changeset
is an intent to release a set of packages at particular semver bump types with a summary of the changes made.
The @changesets/cli package allows you to write changeset
files as you make changes, then combine any number of changesets into a release, that flattens the…
10. React Table
Hooks for building fast and extendable tables and datagrids for React
🤖 Headless UI for building powerful tables & datagrids for TS/JS - React-Table, Vue-Table, Solid-Table, Svelte-Table
TanStack Table v8
Headless UI for building powerful tables & datagrids for React, Solid, Vue, Svelte, Qwik and TS/JS.
Enjoy this library?
Try other TanStack libraries:
Visit for docs, guides, API and more!
You may know TanStack Table by our adapter names, too!
TanStack Table is a headless table library, which means it does not ship with components, markup or styles. This means that you have full control over markup and styles (CSS, CSS-in-JS, UI Component Libraries, etc) and this is also what gives it its portable nature. You can even use it in React Native!
If you want a lightweight table with full control over markup and implementation, then you…
Stargazing 📈
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